Mempercepat Download Mozilla Firefox 10x Lebih Cepat

Posted by Unknown on Saturday, December 22, 2012

Siapa yang tidak tahu mengenai web browser yang satu ini. Mozilla Firefox adalah web browser yang sangat populer dan berkembang dengan adanya kustomisasi yang dapat dilakukan dengan leluasa oleh para pengguna Mozilla Firefox. Sebelumnya saya telah menjelaskan tentang cara Mempercepat Mozilla Firefox 100x Lebih Cepat! Akan tetapi belum lengkap rasanya apabila hanya kecepatan browsingnya saja yang mantap. Lalu Bagaimana Cara Mempercepat Kecepatan Downloadnya?

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Tips Menghilangkan Flek Hitam Membandel

Posted by Unknown

Wajah adalah salah satu bagian penting,terutama untuk kaum wanita. Walaupun ada sebagian wanita yang cuek akan wajahnya,tapi lebih banyak wanita yang sangat menjaga penampilan wajahnya.
Flek hitam adalah hal yang sangat mengganggu penampilan seseorang. Jika anda mempunyai flek hitam diwajah,maka cobalah beberapa tips di bawah ini agar flek hitamnya bisa hilang:
  1. Bersihkan wajah dengan menggunakan lotion pembersih
  2. Oleskan krim pada wajah dan diamkan selama 15 menit
  3. Bersihkan wajah kembali,oleskan scrub dan gosok pelan-pelan untuk mengangkat sel kulit yang mati
  4. Cuci kembali wajah,lalu wajah dimasker sampai kering
  5. Setelah masker kering bersihkan wajah kembali lalu gunakan pelembab
  6. Lakukan hal diatas secara rutin setidaknya sampai 10 kali.
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Causes of Acne Top Ranking

Posted by Unknown

Want to know what causes acne? Many causes, but it is rated things causes acne From the list below, identify where ya think about that nyebabin your acne.

Hormone levels of body
Hormone levels fluctuate at different stages of our lives, such as puberty and pregnancy.

Acne can happen if our bodies contain toxins exceed what can be addressed by the kidneys.

If we are under a state of stress can grow our acne.

Our own oil glands to produce excess sebum. It can accumulate and cause clogging of skin pores and cause acne.

Food can significantly affect acne. We must reduce processed foods. Should also reduce the intake of fried foods and foods that contain high sugar.

Make Up Cosmetics
If make-up we contain comedogenic ingredients can cause acne. The material is usually derived from petroleum. Make-up can also contain dyes and can contribute to acne.

Yes, smoking can increase the risk of acne. Klo need another reason to quit smoking is he one again.

Skin Toner / Bleach
If we use a skin toner containing acetone or alcohol will result in drying of the skin and can cause acne.

Cleaning the Rough
Cleaning with soap that contains chemicals such as detergents and fragrances will cause acne.

Although the sun seemed to initially improve acne us, it's really dry out your skin causing more acne.
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Be Smart Consumers Recognize the fact Of Aromatherapy

Posted by Unknown

Aromatherapy lately in vogue, it often becomes a talisman penglaris various beauty products, wellness and spa and salon services. Even the floor cleaning products and insect repellent also claims its products as aromatherapy products. But what yes?
Be a smart consumer, before you use these products "aromatherapy" is find out first what exactly is aromatherapy.

Prerequisite aromatherapy is to use natural essential oils derived from plants, not synthetic chemical based. Essential oils so many kinds, ranging from the sweet-smelling because derived from flowers such as rose, lavender, jasmine or geranium to the smell of spices or herbs because it comes from the seeds, roots, stems or leaves, such as nutmeg, vetiver, cinnamon and kayuputih. Essential oils derived from flowers because the price is very expensive to get one milliliter its essential oil it takes thousands of flowers. As a result it was made essential oil made from synthetic chemicals.

Perfume industry has long managed to synthesize essential oils such as rose, lavender or jasmine. Fragrance is similar but not so with their chemical composition. Natural essential oils have chemical composition so complex that it is difficult to imitate, including aromatic substances contained therein. Therefore, natural treatment using aromatherapy actually the same as other herbal treatments, it is called a gift from nature. What can not be imitated by chemical drugs are elemental life force present in the treatment of this nature.
Ensuring natural essential oils aka the original is not easy. Chromatographic test is a laboratory test to identify the authenticity of the essential oil, but the price is quite expensive. But do not worry, there are a number of simple ways you can do yourself, though certainly not as accurate as lab tests ya :)

Here is a simple way to distinguish the natural essential oil of the synthetic:

Packaged in dark glass bottles. Well, if you ever see aromatherapy oils in clear glass bottles in a variety of scented small should not be purchased. Because it's almost certain essential oils have synthetic or mixed solvent.
Price essential oils varies. So if you find essential oils with the same volume and the price should not be purchased. Because the raw materials come from natural essential oils. Logically if we buy 1 kg vs. 1 kg rose nutmeg different price must be right? In addition, there are also factors yield of oil produced from each of the different raw materials. For example, leaves of citronella (citronella) has a high percentage of oil yield, but very few roses. So as to produce 1 ml of rose essential oil needed to tens of thousands of roses.
If it dripped on the paper and left for several hours, a natural essential oil will not leave a mark because it quickly evaporates. That is why essential oils are also often called the flying oil. Note: Except for the type of solid-colored and thick like patchouli or vetivert.
Some oils such as green tea, lily, lotus, strawberry, apple, vanilla almost certainly essential oil is synthetic.
The aroma of essential oils are generally very sharp synthetic essential oil than natural.
So carefully before buying to get the benefits of aromatherapy are "real".
More aboutBe Smart Consumers Recognize the fact Of Aromatherapy

Tips on Identifying Original Essential Oil

Posted by Unknown

Many people assume that all products labeled "essential oil" is a genuine essential oils and natural. Unfortunately, not all products are derived from natural materials or native plants. As technology advances, the market offered plenty of essential oils from chemical plants with no element at all. Though prerequisites essential oils and aromatherapy must use oil plant nectars.

In other countries, the U.S. and Europe, for example, given the strict rules and sanctions imposed FDA and EEC in setting the material to be consumed by humans, it is almost certain that the ingredients listed on the label is correct. Quality essential oil that is natural and not mixed labeled "pure essential oil".

Essential oils labeled "fragrance oil" or "perfume oil" indicates the product is made from synthetic and essential oils should never be used in aromatherapy treatments. Synthetic essential oils only duplicate the flavor, not the aromatic constituents are actually beneficial for treatment. It must be remembered that the elements of life force in plants is not replaceable, like hormones and enzymes found in the human body.
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Posted by Unknown on Sunday, December 9, 2012

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Pengorbanan Wanita Untuk Terlihat Cantik di Depan Laki-laki

Posted by Unknown

Inilah pengorbanan wanita agar terlihat cantik di depan laki-laki:

1. Memakai high heels yang tingginya bisa sampai 12 cm

Ini dia lakukan wanita untuk terlihat lebih seksi di mata para lelaki.. Selain itu bentuk kaki terlihat lebih indah.

2.Berdan-dan selama berjam-jam

Sangat sedikit laki-laki yang memikirkan betapa sulitnya berdan-dan. Untuk wanita yang tidak terlalu ahli dalam berdan-dan bisa membutuhkan waktu 2jam atau lebih karena membutuhkan ketelitian.. Belum lagi kalo berantakan, butuh waktu untuk membersihkan. dan taukah kalian bahwa fondation yg biasa d pakai dalam berdan-dan sebenarnya kurang bagus di pakai untuk kulit wajah karena memakai fondation menahan minyak dalam wajah tidak tampak. Belum lagi memakai maskara, kalau tiba-tiba mata gatal ga bisa d kucek-kucek (sangat menyiksa).

3. Operasi silikon

Beberapa wanita sering merasa banyak kekurangan dalam tubuhnya.. Entah payudaranya kurang besar atau, hidungnya kurang mancung, dll. wanita rela menghabiskan uang berjuta-juta untuk terlihat cantik di depan semua orang terutama laki-laki. Memasang silikon itu mengandung beberapa resiko, seperti kerusakan jaringan secara permanen.t

4. Memakai baju yang 'ribet'

Untuk terlihat cantik juga memerlukan pakaian yang indah.. Tapi pernah ga agan mikir kalau baju yang di kenakan itu membuat wanita ga nyaman. Mungkin terlalu ketat hingga membuatnya ga bisa napas..

5. Menata rambut

Untuk wanita sendiri memiliki selera masing-masing mengenai rambut. Ada yang suka mengecet rambut dengan warna yang mencolok. Rambut yang lurus. Rambut panjang dan bergelombang, dan lain-lain.

Banyak wanita mengalami kesulitan dengan rambutnya yang susah di tata dengan rapi. Untuk terlihat rapi mereka pergi ke salon untuk d blow, di catok. Ada juga yang dari malam sebelum tidur mereka sudah memakai gulungan rambut agar pagi-pagi saat mereka bangun dan melepas gulungan rambutnya, mendapatkan rambut yang indah bergelombang. Pengorbanan semalaman karena tidur yang tidak nyaman.

6. Menghabiskan uang

Ini adalah hal yang pasti.. Untuk terlihat cantik pasti membutuhkan biaya yang besar. Membeli baju, sepatu, make up, ke salon, dll. Karena itu jangan heran kalo cewe matre. Itu juga untuk kaum laki-laki.
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